Empower Your Inner Warrior with the Boudicca Ebook

Get Your Complimentary Copy

From whether it is okay to wear slogan t-shirts to how you navigate those snidey puts downs experienced too commonly at work, you have sent us your dilemmas.

In this e-book you will find honest, forthright, and useful answers to your career dilemmas and questions.

 Our Boudicca Collective uniquely comprises women who have significant experience of the idiosyncrasies, eccentricities and challenges of working in higher education both in the UK and internationally. Whilst their style might be at times both sardonic and ironic, do not be fooled. They are committed to knocking down prejudice wherever they see it.

We hope you enjoy “Women Empowered” and find the answers to your career dilemmas. If not, then send your question to us. Our Boudiccas are waiting – pens ready – to put your world to rights. Contact us: christina@women-space.co.uk

By downloading your complimentary copy of our e-book you will also receive future updates from Boudicca and stay up up-to-date with all our events.

From our warrior spirit to yours,
Christina, Linda, Leigh, Liz, Annette, Rebecca, Bec, Hannah, Kiran, Dana, Naomi and Kathy

Meet the Boudicca Collective