Executive Career


Your Personal Supporter
& Champion

Women-Space provides bespoke executive career coaching that is unique to you.  Whether you are looking for a short consultation on a pressing issue such as an upcoming job interview, a promotion, or a challenging situation at work fellowship application, or you want an in-depth exploration of a bigger concern over a series of sessions, we will work together to choose the right approach for you. 

If you have reached a point in your career where you are struggling to navigate further or you seem to be struggling to make sense of the next best steps in your life and career, executive career coaching with Christina can help you resolve these challenges, by staying true to your values, retain some balance in your life and career, and have a sense of purpose and belonging which are all essential to your wellbeing and your effectiveness.   

From experience, most of us who work in universities care deeply about the work that we do and are heavily invested, whether that’s teaching, research or delivering professional services.

When these aspects are all aligned, life can be fabulous. You are in your ‘happy space’ where everything seems to fall into place. You have more energy and clarity and the fit between you and your world of work feels just right. 

But, when these elements are out of sync, so are you.  It could be that you didn’t get that promotion or research grant, or you are unsure whether/how to make a certain career move. Perhaps you’ve just started a new job and feel out of your depth. These times can cause motivation to drop, along with your zest for work, and you lose sight of what’s really important to you.

Our executive coaching service ensures you have someone by your side to help you through these times. Someone who understands the challenges of working in a university and who fully identifies with the sheer commitment you bring to your work.

Christina will be your confidante, your champion, and when needs be, your challenger. She will provide you with the support you need to get back to your happy space of equilibrium and purpose.

My ethos

Underpinning all of my services is a recognition that, when it comes to your career trajectory, gender matters. We still have a lot of work to do to create a more equal society. I will work with you to help you navigate the challenges that women can face when trying to progress in higher education, equipping you to overcome these challenges and break down barriers.

Alongside this, I strongly believe that having a voice is the route to empowerment. More specifically, your voice.

One of the most important gifts we can be given is that of being attentively listened to. Being heard.

It’s only when you talk, and I mean really talk, that you discover what’s lying deep inside. It could be dormant, or simply quashed by the demands of everyday life, so we help to bring it to the surface and address it.

In a safe and confidential environment, Women-Space coaching and mentoring enables you to voice your concerns and worries, your hopes and dreams, your successes and challenges, your fears and ambitions, and even your irritations. 

Being listened to, and being heard is sometimes all you really need to get back that clarity, passion and commitment for the important work that you do.